The biggest challenge facing India’s schooling system today is to ensure that every child has equal opportunities for schooling, and equitable learning outcomes. The Government of India has laid the foundation to treat school education holistically without segmentation from preschool to Grade 12. Samagra Shiksha program was created to merge three previously separate schemes for primary schools, middle schools, and teacher education. The Government has also initiated National Career Services program to bring students closer to opportunities. Overall, the Government is strengthening the foundation to move young India towards higher socioeconomic mobility.
ILP has taken a holistic approach to designing, incubating, scaling and supporting programs across the entire spectrum of education from preschool to Grade 12 that lead to employability. For over two decades, ILP has closely aligned with the Government programs to maximize our impact.
What We Do
The primary objectives of our programs are to enable children in government schools to attain grade appropriate skills and create pathways to productive careers.
- Enroll and retain children in preschools and schools: This involves working with government to open new schools (Access) where there is none, enroll children into the preschools and schools and retain them in schools through regular attendance and transitioning to higher grades.
- Enable learning in innovative ways: Transform schools into learning spaces through a framework that provides innovative tools and processes for teachers and helps children attain grade appropriate skills.
- Empower students through career pathways: Equip students with information about careers, identify their interests and abilities and enable them to create and own pathways to their desired careers.
How We do It
Our model for change is to
- Work with rural communities and government schools in India to enroll, retain and ensure children attain grade appropriate skills.
- Partner with local NGOs and create sustained community engagement and ownership around government schools and children’s education.
- Design and deploy high quality, low cost, replicable interventions to address gaps in delivery of education through the government system.